Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Christmas Experiment 2017 Hours 1&2: I'll be Home For Christmas

Viewing Thoughts: In Recent Years, this has gained a bit of a reputation as one of the worst Christmas movies of all time so I figured, yeah, this is a good place to start.

The basic idea of the film is that it's a collection quest. The main character starts one place and works his way across the country so he can get his dad's car/the girl. Instead of collecting objects, he kind of just collects random experiences. It doesn't have a lot of focus and it's basically, "The guy goes from here to there to there to here."

So, if you grew up in the 90s, you grew up with Jonathan Taylor Thomas.  He was on Home Improvement and he had a certain appeal to him. It's called safety. He was just bad enough but also nice and clean. Girls and gay guys loved him. I never saw the appeal. He also just kind of disappeared after a few things in the 2000s. I'm surprised I haven't seen him in a Hallmark Christmas movie yet but then, this is kind of one.

That's where this movie runs into a problem. His character in this film is an utter douche. Outside of being the very stereotype of white privilege. He's never had any problems in his life and everyone exists to be manipulated. That includes old women, bus loads of people, even himself. We're supposed to believe that he's grown as a person but he instead just kind of falls into being a nice guy... who still does crappy things in the name of "But it's growth!" The worst part? He gets it all in the end! No justice! He steals a sled and gets away with it because hes dressed like Santa!

You know who doesn't suck in this movie? Jessica Beil! Weird, right? She's the girl so they just had to make her pretty and something to be pursued. Instead, she's smart and funny. She's also very forward thinking for someone in 1998. Almost makes me wish this movie was about her but whatever.

Non-Viewing Thoughts: I think I've made it all year without

Late Christmas Ideas: More time.

Notable Commercials: Good to know a few years later, Armani cologne commercials are still soft-core gay porn.

Coke Zeroes Left: 18 Cans
Amps Left: 2 Cans
Coffee Left: 2 Bottles
Pumpkin Pie Left: Whole Pie, currently unbaked
Current Sanity Level(1 being  The Golden Girls, 10 being a marathon session of Fuller House): 3
Puzzle Progress:I'm doing a puzzle this year. Let's see if I can do this in 36 hours.

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