Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Top 100 Movie List (A Very Biased List): Prologue

For those of you that have been following Will for many years, you will remember my top 10 Lists from the school new paper entitled "The Very Biased List." I as well did a previous top 100 list in my former newsletter, The Semi-Daily Rant of the Day. So, in an attempt at getting myself into a regular blogging form, I am reviving both concepts as part of a two month long exercise in masochism.

Here's the deal, starting on November 2nd, each day I will be posting three movies from the list in sequential order, starting with number 100. This will go on until November 30th when I'll be switching over to two a day starting with number 40 when I switch to a two a day format, partially because I start feeling lazy and partially because I'll just have more to talk about. Finally, on the 21st I'll move to one a day for the top 10 with number one being announced on the first. By the way, this will hopefully not interfere with the Christmas Experiment this year. THat might inspire some insanity of it's own so I'll just write number six in advance.

Any questions, ask away or e-mail me at Thank you.