Saturday, August 1, 2009

Taking 20: Relationships

As stated in the last Taking 20 segment, this will get personal. I'm sorry but it will.

Will is single. He has been single for a few years. It's something that he has come to grips with. He also likes to refer to himself in the third person on occasion. It makes it easier to look at myself because I can think of myself as a subject rather than being trully introspective. It's not healthy but like I really care. So, anyway, I was thinking about it and I really do feel alone sometimes. It isn't so much about needing someone to love as needing someone to connect to. I hate to get all geeky but I can heavily sympathize with the Tenth Doctor. So, how does a being that can travel through space and time relate to Will's life?

The Tenth Doctor, as played by David Tennant, is the title character from Doctor Who. The character is the last of his people, an alien race known as the Time Lords. Throughout the speies, one of the underlying themes is the Doctor connecting to people then fate, time, etc. stealing them from him, leaving him alone. THis is how I often feel. I try to connect to people but they always just end up leaving me in the end and I'm just there, by myself again. I've lost count of the amount of times I have spent at home, alone on a Saturday night watching TV, not that I have much reason to count these things.

Part of this is my own fault. I don't go out of my way to encounter life, I don't try to live. I let it all happen to me instead of grasping it. Right now, I feel like I'm drifting and there is no land is sight. I need to learn the code behind it all, the meaning. I need to look farther. I need to make sense rather than just free-writing. It's all just crushing me down but I need to push past that. I need to connect. I need to, I dunno, stop needing other people I guess. I really don't know. I want something more really, that's all. Is that that bad?

Well, that's enough soul-bearing for now. Let's get back to covering crazy crap on YouTube next time.

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