Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Christmas Experiment 2017: Prelude

Here I am, once again. I'm torn into pieces... no, wait, that's Kelly Clarkson.

So, it's almost that time again for the Christmas Experiment: that time where I watch 36 straight hours of Holiday Programming.

Because, as we've established many times before, I hate myself.

If this is your first year, here's the basics.

  1. I'm watching 36 hours straight worth of Christmas related programming.  
  2. All of this is coming from either broadcast telelvision or DVR. This year, I'm using Sling TV for my non-broadcast needs. It's been... a kind of sad and pathetic year as far as my Internet Cable woes go. We'll talk about that some other time.
  3. Every two hours or so, I'll post my commentary on the past two hours. This is mostly stream of consciousness with little real editing. Because lazy.
So, every year, I chart certain things:
Non-Viewing Thoughts: Just the random stuff that pops into a sleep-deprived mind.  

Late Christmas Ideas: In case you're thinking of buying me something but were lazy about it, you jerk.

Notable Commercials: Commentary on some of the commercials that have popped up.

I also chart my consumables and current sanity level. Sanity is rated on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 usually being something boring and 10, well, not. So, join me back here tomorrow at 2 PM ET when the first post goes up. Good times.

Coke Zeroes Left: 18 Cans
Amps Left: 2 Cans
Coffee Left: 2 Bottles
Pumpkin Pie Left: Whole Pie, currently unbaked

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