Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Experiment Hour 8+9

Viewing Thoughts: Two hours of QVC. I am definitely going out of it. Since thye just have too much to talk about, let's just touch on the stuff that seems remarkable or remarkably stupid. First item is the Adjustable Dreamer Light Show Projector. It's a mini-Half-Disco Ball that projects lights on the wall. A woman with an 11-year old grand daughter is getting it. She thinks she'll be in awe of it. Yeah, she'll be thinking, "Why does grandma hate me? Maybe she needs to go to the home sooner than mommy wanted to send her!" Next up is a slinky. It's a slinky with a lishgt up mechanism in it. I have no real comment for that. The hosts on the other hand seems obsessed with making you think that this will be the next best thing. Doubtful. So, the focus of the show right now is toys. They decided to cut into it though with a faux fur coat. This guy with white hair is just trying to make you buy it. I bet he has hypnotic powers. If you don't buy it, I bet he'll kell some animals and start sneaking it into the coats. Oh yes, he will. He has the look. He also seems to be very eager to help the women put on the coats. Perverts are funny! The sad thing is people are up this morning, buying these jackets. Dear god they're crazy!

So, there's this baby doll on here that look kind of creepy. They're like the creepy kids in Polar Express. I'm looking at them and I see that gleam of world domination behind their cold dead eyes. Oh, they don't fool Will. The lady on the line is going on and on about how her granddaughter will love it because it'll be like having a real baby. Yeah, granddaughter will probably get preggers first chance she gets thanks to this. They still aren't quite as evil as this: That laugh will haunt your dreams for the rest of your life! HA!!!

Noted Commercials: It's home shopping. It's all commercials. Yeah, it's kinda like that.

Early Christmas Ideas: I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Not really but Cheese that's a terrible song.

Non-Viewing Thoughts: I wish I had some hot cocoa.

The Tally
Mountain Dews Left: 10
Energy Drinks Left: 4
Cups of Coffee Drank:0
Pie Consumed: 1 Slice
Sanity Rating( 1 being sane, 10 being someone who thinks they're getting a good deal on QVC): 6

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