Monday, November 3, 2008

The Thanksgiving Experiment Preview 1

So, looking forword to the big even in a couple of weeks. I have checked two of the networks schedules so far. SCIFI Channel seems to be having a movie day, nothing with giant turkeys unluckily, but for whatever reason, there's Bond movies on SCIFI. I know most of them are kind of far out there in terms of reality, but I would never classify James Bond as Sci Fi. So many things wrong with this.

TCM is having a musical theme going on. That makes me feel really gay because I would be half loking forword to that if not for the sheer stupidity of it all. Well, that and all the good ones are at weird hours.

We lost NBC because Time Warner is stupid. We recenty got it back and this makes me happy for the main reason that I will get to watch the Macy's Parade and the National Dog Show. The Dog Show will be the thing I half ass because I'm making Dinner but regardless, it'll be fun. Everyone should watch it.

So, thinking in addition to last year's caffene consumptiomn and sanity checks, I'm going to bake a Pumpkin Pie and do a check of how much I consume over the course of the day. Sound Good?

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