Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Christmas Experiment 2016 Hours 33+34: Even More Food Network

I'm watching a lot more Food shows than usual this year. It's weird.

Iron Chef America: This time, it's three of the Iron Chefs and three chefs from The Cooking Channel. Three teams. One of the chefs is Michael Symon so I know who I'm cheering for. The Secret Ingredient is various ingredients from other Christmas episodes.

One of the things about Iron chef that I have always found astounding is  the way that the ingedients get transformed. For example, this time, one of the ingredients were fruitcake but no one did something like a fruitcake curstini. It's also incorporating it into sauces, crusts, places that fruit cake has no business being.

BTW, Michael Symon doesn't win. Very disappointed.

Holiday Baking Championship: So, Food Network runs a Baking Championship every year. This episode is the three winners along with Three Child Bakers. It's kind of not fair for the kids but whatever.

Each adult does get paired up with a kid. It's an entire thing. It's all cute but ehh. This entire thing is boring to me to be honest.

Non-Viewing Thoughts:  I'll admit, it might be fun to do this with someone else.

Late Christmas Ideas:  A good night's sleep. I feel like I'll be getting that shortly.

Notable Commercials: Well, at least they're just running ads for Day after Christmas Sales now. Good for them.

Mountain Dews Left: 6 Cans
Coca-Colas Left: 2 Cans
Kickstarts Left: 0 Cans
Coffee Left: 1 Bottle
Pumpkin Pie Left: 1/3rd
Sanity Rating: (1 being a candy cane, 10 being a candy caning): 6

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