Friday, December 25, 2009

The Christmas Experiment 2009: Hours 13 & 14

Viewing Thoughts: Let's watch a couple of BBC Christmas Specials. I just missed Black Adder unluckily but let's go with what we can get.

The Catherine Tate Christmas Show 2: I watched this last night but it's kinda funny at times. Some of the humor is kinda British so it's occasionally hard to get as an American. It happens, it sometimes sucks to be a Yank. The problem with a sketch show is that it's hard to follow sometimes as far as a blog goes so I don't think I'm going to try. I'm mainly doing this to have a bit of break. But here's my thoughts on the Queen's Christmas message.

Queen Elizabeth's Christmas Message: We start with a shot of Buckingham Palace. The queen walks, greeting people in various dresses and hats of different colors, looking striking for a woman of her age. The Queen talks about the deaths in Afghanistan, gives her well wishes to the casualties, and then continues to talk about the British Commonwealth. Basically people talking about Unity between the various countries involved. I think Lizzy looks better with her glasses than without. Apparently the commonwealth is important and finally, she wishes us a Happy Christmas.

Are You Being Served?: This is the 1975 Christmas Special. The show, for those unfamiliar, takes place in a London Department store. The staff has to dress up in costumes for Christmas. First they have Christmas Lunch, an embarrsingly small bird, the Christmas pudding goes up in flames, and... yeah, I'm running into the same problem as with Three's Company earlier. I can't really say much about it. I'll just remember this next year.

Late Christmas Ideas: I wouldn't mind a device for Time Travel. That way I could have thought better of providing commentary on British Television. Either that or some crackers. That would be rather fun. Hmmm, I think I'll buy some for next year's Thanksmas dinner.

Notable Commercials: What is it with me having the telly on and the people advertising something I really want to watch and am keenly anticipating. This time, It's the Doctor Who Christmas Special. Only a few hours to go.

The Tally
Mountain Dews Left: 10
Energy Drinks Left: 4
Cups of Coffee drank: 0
Sanity Rating (1 being most Time Lords, 10 being the Master): 4


suavestar said...

Why the hell did you watch the Queens message!?

Even I don't watch it!

National Lampoons Christmas vacation is on, I'm going to go watch that.

Will Ackerman said...

I had it on BBC America and it came on. Seemed more interesting than anything else I had on.