Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Christmas Experiment 2009: Pre-Show

First off, the Top 100 List will resume next week. I just needed a bit of time off to recollect my bearings. Now for the topic.

Okay, so for those new to the blog, every year I do an Christmas/Thanksgiving themed day where I stay up for 24 hours and watch the TV and blog about what I see. This year I hope to do it with no naps or me breaking down half way through. I'm going to try to get a nap before I start this year. So, here's this year's rations:

Cans of Mountain Dew: 12
Cans of Amp: 4
Coffee: There if I get Desperate.

I'm ordering a pizza for dinner tonight, eating taking a nap, then probably guzzling water so I don't get dehydrated like I did last year with the Thanksgiving Experiment. That wasn't fun, especially when I briefly had trouble standing up. But this should be a good year. I'm recording a bit of back-up material on the DVR but that's mainly in the case that I can't find something Christmasy enough to fill up a particualar portion of the day. I will not be fast forwarding through commercials so I can get the full feel of the holiday, right down to ads for whatever stupid thing they want to advertise. I also plan to watch at least one Hallmark and one Lifetime movie tomorrow. That might be the painful thing. I only count myself lucky that The Christmas Shoes is on at ten tonight on the 24th as opposed to two hours later when the experiment begins. So, come back at midnight when the fun begins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like fun, Will! I'll look forward to reading it on the way to Detroit.