Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Christmas Experiment 2010: Hours 3 & 4

Viewing Thoughts: Let's mix it up a bit with some food stuff and music videos.

Martha Stewart's Holiday Cookies: Martha Stewart is cooking cookies. I'm watching food porn. It happens. Martha's cooking with her mother, proving that she is not born from a jackal. I think this is the closest you'll ever see to family dysfunction on this show. Martha at one point throws flour at the board in front of her mother with a look on her face akin to hatred.

Really, there's something to Martha interacting with other people. When she's by herself, she talks to the camera and looks at it. When she's with other people, she looks at her cooking but almost never at the other person. Seriously, they're just kinda there. The only one Martha really pays attention to or seems to care about is her mother and there's this aura of contempt around her. Still, Martha is a professional. She knows what she's doing. It's why things like the SNL sketch "Martha Stewart Topless Christmas Special" work. Her seriousness is a good contrast for something so absurd.

VH-1 Classic Presents Christmas Videos: I'll be frank, I don't recognize half these songs. This might just be a comment on the local Christmas song station we have on at work. They play the same things constantly and it's freaking annoying. Some of these are good also. It's kinda sad to tell you the truth. There's a variety of music out there and they just play cover after cover of "Baby It's Cold Outside."

They had the music video for "Where Are You Christmas" the song from the Grinch movie. Yeah, there was a movie that was so much unnecessary. They show clips from it and I find myself thinking, "I remember when they did this." I also totally tells you everything you need to know about the movie and more so you never have to see it. That's a Christmas gift!

Notable Commercials: They keep showing a commercial on the Cooking Channel for the vacuum seal thing to store your clothes. I refuse to believe that anyone can be that happy about packing their clothing up in a plastic bag. Besides, it makes it easier for the thieves to steal all of your stuff.

Late-Christmas Ideas:  A Christmas song that is part of the season but doesn't make you roll your eyes when you hear it. In other words, don't try to shame us into the spirit or use emotional blackmail. Just trust us to think, "I love Christmas." Also, try not to be annoying to people in retail since all of us will hear this song like ten times a day.

The Tally
Mountain Dews Left: 23
Energy Drinks Left: 4
Cups of Coffee drank: 0
Pumpkin Pie Left: Whole Pie
Sanity Rating (1 being a sugar cookie, 10 being nuttier than thumbprint): 3

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