Friday, December 25, 2009

The Christmas Experiment 2009: Hours 15 & 16

Viewing Thoughts: Had a pretty good lunch. Roommate Pickett wants to go to China Garden for dinner. I might join him if the mood strikes me in which case, there will be an hour lull in the action. It happens.Since I spent a fair amount of time on Dinner and most of that was spent eating with Pickett watching DS9, I'm not covering a lot this hour. Oh well.

A Charlie Brown Christmas: The King of all Christmas Specials. There is so much to be seen in this yearly wonder. It's one of the only ones not afraid to deal with the taboo subject of religion. That is one of the things I love about it. Religion is a major part of the holiday and it is kinda one of the ones that always gets left out. Still, that's not the most important part. Most important part is the heart of the story. Charlie Brown is everyone at some point in their lives. He takes the collective martyrdom of the Peanuts for them. Sometimes Linus does take some grief but it's just a brief reprise for Good Ol' Charlie Brown. A lot that I have to say can be summed up by the other commentary I've made on this special.

Notable Commercials: I love the old Hershey's Kisses ad with the bells. There's something so classic and awesome to it. There is not a level where it doesn't rock.

Late Christmas Ideas: More hours in a day. Wouldn't mind a few more of those just so I can get something done.

The Tally
Mountain Dews Left: 9
Energy Drinks Left: 4
Cups of Coffee drank: 0
Sanity Rating (1 being a normal human being, 10 being Charlie Brown after being forced to take too much crap): 3


suavestar said...

You know, these are awesome sir.

I want you to do these for every holiday, as it has been an awesome read!

Will Ackerman said...

Thanks though I tried it with American Thanksgiving last year. Didn't work so well since there aren't many specials for it. Christmas is the only one where there's enough themed programming for it to work.