Friday, December 25, 2009

The Christmas Experiment 2009: Hours 23 & 24

Viewing Thoughts: I'm cheating. I popped National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation into the dvd player because I wanted to end tonight on a good night. To tell you the truth, of my four favorite holiday films, only one did I not watch today. This is still one of my favorites for the simple reason that it's all about one man's near single-minded drive for the perfect Christmas. There is no such things as the perfect Christmas. Many people hate it. I love Christmas myself, I just don't want to spend it with most of my family. There are a few family members I could spend it with but, over all, I want to have a great Christmas someday. I want to find some great guy, settle down, adopt a couple of kids possibly, and feel a little better about spending the holidays with the family.

There's a scene in Christmas Vacation where Clark sits in the attic watching home movies. This is what I'm trying to capture today: a sense of Nostalgia. At least half the things I watched today were things from my youth. I needed them to feel better. I'm at a point in my life where I'm unsure about the future so I prefer to look at the past to live with my present. Blogging makes my thoughts clearer. It makes me more likely to know what I'm going to do with my life so I can reflect on this all. I'm also able to tell the babble and say funny things on occasion. I wish life had more jokes. Then I'd have a reason to do something. I dunno, I got nothing.

The final reason I'm watching this movie is to pay tribute to a great man, John Hughes. While I didn't grow up as a teen in the eighties, I did watch his movies when I became one. They helped me form how I look at the world, Breakfast Club actually influencing the way I try to relate to people (forget the stereotypes, we're all people.) John Hushes has had a huge impact on me as a writer and a person and this is my way of coming to terms with his death. Mr. Hughes, you will be missed.

Merry Christmas, I'm going to take a shower then pass out for a long while. See you next week.

Late Christmas Ideas: A nice, long sleep. Wait, I get to give that to myself in about an hour. Fine, I'm still waiting on those moose goblets I asked for two years ago. I would so use them.

Final Tally:
Moutain Dews Consumed: 4
Amps Consumed: 1
Cups of Coffee: 0
Sanity Rating (1 being going to bed in a minute, 10 going downstairs and playing a video game) : 5

1 comment:

suavestar said...

Can't wait for the next experiment!