Monday, December 24, 2012

The Christmas Experiment 2012: Hours 19-20

Let's do some more animated Christmas Specials.

I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown: Maybe I should have said a good Christmas Special. A big problem with this special is that, well, big sections feel like retreads of stuff that we already saw and other sections. Other parts feature Rerun, Linus and Lucy's overly cynical little brother. Like he is Cynical to almost the nth degree. This is a problem since most of the special centers on him and his wanting a dog. They also try to make him innocent but you can't have it both ways. Either Rerun is cynical or he's filled with childlike innocence. You can't have it both ways.

Frosty the Snowman: I need to watch at least one Rankin & Bass special. While it doesn't have Claymation figures, it does work pretty well for what it is. It has all the tropes of the Rankin and Bass specials, it's just hand drawn. This does have the pitfall of two of the kids being palette-swaps of each other. Still, the Magician is all kinds of obvious evil. There's the green skin, the fact that he refers to himself as evil, and I think that's all we need to really add. I do find it interesting though that Santa implies he's still getting a present. That's one of those reason I like this special. Santa has facets of wanting to give everyone gifts.

Non-Viewing Thoughts: I should try to make my own Pumpkin Pie next year. Would just involve actually using effort.

Late Christmas Ideas: Dude, I could also use some more socks and underwear. I mostly just have white socks and so should branch out.

Notable Commercials: Apparently Redi-whip has the ability to draw men to it. This may not be a good thing.

Mountain Dews left: 22
Amps left: 2
Pumpkin Pie Left: 1/3rd left.
Sanity Rating: (1 being buying a goldfish, 10 being buying Marmaduke and Garfield's demon spawn): 7

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