Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Christmas Experiment 2011: Hours 19 & 20

Viewing Thoughts: The OC: This episode is from the 2006-2007 season. This is also after I stopped watching the show so if I don't know what's going on, I apologize.The bright side, this is after Marissa, the blackhole of this show, had taken a wild fly into the blue. I've never been a huge fan of the teen drama but I'll admit, there was the occasional time I liked this one. It lacked the stupid self-awareness of Dawson's Creek but still had some charm to it.

This episode, Ryan, our main hunk, is getting ready for Chrismuhkaah, the Holiday amalgamation that gets celebrated every season. This season, Ryan gets a letter from the Marissa, showing the USPS is still good for nothing since she had been dead since the end of the previous season. Anyway, he and current prospective girlfriend argue and go into a coma. However, this being TV, it's a magic coma in which they go to an alternate reality. Among other things, in the new reality, Seth, the show's real star, doesn't get his character development, all because Ryan never existed. Actually, everyone's development never happened. It's almost as if the new reality just exists to say, "Ryan is everyone's universal center."

One of the best parts of this episode is that we spend half of it dreading that in this dark reality, Marissa is still alive and that we'll have to see her face again. You get this constant feeling of dread throughout the entire episode and then, just when you're sure you're going to see her face again, oh, never mind, it's her awesome sister who found a way to become more awesome.

But meanwhile, what about Julie Cooper, the show's other best character? She being her bitchy self. She's also the only one who shows the remotest amount of concern over the kwazy komas. But then, nearly everyone in this world has learned that comas end within 45 minutes and with no permanent neurological damage. Also, we get some bogus mumbo-jumbo over the patients needing to finish what they need to finish in coma land. But, back to Julie. She threatens the coma girls mother to force her to see her daughter. Also, she's totally sleeping with a younger man and being hilarious about it in coma world. But she also brings about the best moment of this episode in which Marissa's shadow is officially removed from this show forever and everyone can forget she ever existed.

Jack Frost: The forgotten Ranken and Bass Christmas special. It's partially since it's more of a Groundhog's Day special but I'm going to forgive it. Turns out, that it's all some kinda sham in which Jack Frost messes with the world. As usual with these specials, we get a narrator, in this case the narrator who tells us about Jack Frost. In this one, an evil Cossack is terrorizing a Russian village with his steampunk horse. the people are so poor they use ice for money.

I like this one because it is so beautiful. Lots of white and clears. It invokes the Winter and its just so beautiful. Then there's our evil Cossack who has an entire army of mechanical servants. The shiny metal makes for a great contrast with the winter environment. the more I watch of this, the more I think that this should have become one of the regulars but then , I can see why since it's more of a winter special than a Christmas special. As a result, with only so much time to go around, I can see why it wouldn't go too far.

Non-Viewing Thoughts: It would probably suck to be in a musical and be out of tune. You'd probably be ostracized from society since this is a world where bursting into song is a regular part of society and you can't even keep a tune. It would be like going mute. You lack an essential way of communicating in the world.

Late-Christmas Ideas: I could do with a bottle of Firewater. Hot Cinnamon alcohol. Just the thing that winter would do wonders for. Combined with Dr. Pepper, it's just the stuff of legends. Mmmm, that sounds good.

Notable Commercials: There's an ad for an online college degree site in which a chick is selling Corndogs at a roadside ad and then she decides to go to the site and suddenly becomes a rockstar. This is because you can learn to become a rockstar on line. Didn't you know that?

For that matter, this commercial has run like twelve time today. It's rather annoying because it's trying to be artsy but it feels more like softcore porn.

The Tally
Mountain Dews Left: 9
Energy Drinks Left: 1
Cups of Coffee drank: 0
Pumpkin Pie Left:1/3rd left
Sanity Rating (1 being , 10 being a Marissa Cooper spin-off): 4

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