Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Christmas Experiment 2011: Hours 23 & 24

Viewing Thoughts: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I've spent half the day talking about all the things wrong with Christmas movies today. Thus, I feel I have to talk about what's right with the, and I can think of no better example. First off, if you want to know more direct thoughts on the film, just go here. This is the fourth straight year I've covered it. The thing that makes this a good Christmas movie is that while you can let the kids watch it, the adults can watch it without feeling like they're being talked down to. The sentimentality is real and earned. I never feel like any of it's being manipulated because we get that good addition of comedy and cynicism. In the end, the movie is about Christmas, not about something that happens at Christmas. Really, a good Christmas movie knows how to find the balance.

I can be harsh sometimes on this season and the things in it. I tend to hold them all to a higher standard than I would otherwise do so. Its because it's some special to me. I can still feel like a kid for a day instead of like a screwed up adult who can't get his life started.  I want a good life. I'm sure it will happen for me eventually. Still, at Christmas, I can think the world is something special again.

Non-Viewing Thoughts: This entire post kinda is. That seems to be the running theme of the Christmas Vacation blog every year. I guess what I'm trying to say is Merry Christmas and thanks for coming along on this trip again with me this year.

Late Christmas Ideas: How many times do I have to ask for those Moose Antler mugs? So many times and nothing. I think I might give up and settle for asking for unlimited wealth instead.

Final Tally:
Mountain Dews Consumed: 4
Amps consumed: 1
Pumpkin Pie Left: 1/6th of the pie
Sanity Rating: (1 being going to bed and then staying in tomorrow, 10 being staying up to watch Doctor Who and then going shopping tomorrow): 4

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