Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Christmas Experiment 2011: Hours 21 & 22

Viewing Thoughts: Twelve Hunks of Christmas: Time for this years Lifetime Hell Movie. Kristen Chenowith stars as a PR agent. She goes after the crazy client, manipulates her into changing to her, and I can't wait for how this backfires on her and changes up her life. She has the perfect job, the perfect boyfriend. This has to be how the movie ends, not begins. So, her boyfriend and her boss are screwing.She's drunk and talks to her cabbie like a best friend and quits her job.

Kristen is dressing more like Gwen Stacey than a PR agent. I like to pretend this takes places in a universe where Gwen Stacey lived and became awesomer but got lost along the way. So, Kristen eats Chinese, watches the original Miracle on 34th St., and acts like a Lifetime Heroine (acting like her life will fix itself and being introspective). She instead decides to take a job in Kalispell, Montana. She does get Montana right in that nothing happens there but Wyoming is the real hole in America.

So, Gwen drives to Montana and yeah, she's not really in Montana. I've been to Montana and Kristen is not driving through Montana. This is Glee's belief that Lima is next door to Columbus. They aren't. So, we get the usual Big City vs Small Town thing going on here.  Gwen Stacy gets an assistant, and meets the guy who will obviously be the love interest of our piece. How do we know this? Because they argue and then she sees him naked. His name is Will. Yeah, that doesn't sit well with me.

Anyway, Gwen Stacy and the assistant talk. Assistant, let's cal her Mary Jane, talk and find out she has a crush on a cute guy. They look at local calenders of scenery and then Gwen has an idea. She proposes a nudie calender featuring the rescue workers. The workers vote her down and jerkwad Will rubs it in her face. Gwen starts working on getting all of the guys to change their mind. She gets it to work and runs into Will. This being a Lifetime movie, he's going after her.He taunts her about the nearest Kino being in Billings. The internet tells me Great Falls.

So, we get the beginning of our life triangle and she's kinda hitting on everyone or letting them hit on her. This could become a Harem anime. Cute guy wants to ask Mary Jane out, let's call him Peter. Will tells him not to. Emma meets a city girl who's looking at the town. She sends her fishing. Apparently some kinda date happens secretly. Gwen... yeah, I'm goning to be frank, I can't make this clap trap interesting. Even letting it become some kinda Spider-Man fanfic where I get to date Gwen Stacy can't make it interesting. Even when it finally gets to the point where everyone takes their clothes off, I can't get interested. Anyway, Will likes Gwen, Gwen gets won over. The Calender gets a setback. They work through it. Everyone wins. This is all after generic misunderstanding # 17. She also realizes she likes smalltown. Who'd have thought that? Oh yeah, anyone who has ever seen one of these movies. EVER!!!

Non-Viewing Thoughts: I kinda miss High School Choir. I think I miss it more than anything else about high school. Crazy, no?

Notable Commercials: I really hate most of these Charmin commercials with the bears. It's kinda gross seeing the bears with TP stuck to their butt. I mean, who actually said, "Let's imply that the bears are crapping!" I know that anytime someone does one of these commercials does know that's the end product but still, whatever happened to, "Please don't squeeze the Charmin."

Late-Christmas Ideas:  A nice guy, a little to very geeky. Yeah, another year of being single down. So ugh. Oh well, always next year. Maybe I'll start looking up.

The Tally
Mountain Dews Left: 9
Energy Drinks Left: 1
Cups of Coffee drank: 0
Pumpkin Pie Left: 1/3rd of pie
Sanity Rating (1 being dinner alone, 10 being dinner aline in a room made by Frank Lloyd Wright and Escher.): 8

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